a fishbowl paradise
Because we're living in a fishbowl paradise.
Rule No. 1 - Never compare a girlfriend to another girl. lol, references included. I did ballet for 9 years... I quit because of the pressure to lose weight. My toes aren't fucked up bad because I never did pointe. However, the whole skewed body image shit still stays. I look at the mirror and desire fuller breasts, slimmer feminine legs, a toned tummy and 15 pounds less meat everywhere. Realistically, I know I should work towards a stronger core and everything else will just come.
I still want to be a dancer... only this time, a stranger in a chair shall be my vice. I believe this stems from my dreams - strangers and faceless men have always come to use me in some way or another. My biggest fear is letting them down... and in dreams, this usually turns into a nightmare. So what say you? Would you call a woman weak for being raped? What if she liked it?
Okay, so here comes the part where I reiterate my day. Costco trip with the G only to walk out with a huge box of cereal in my arms... gawd, I'm so happy! G's happy because he's got a 12-pack of socks too tight for his feet, lol... and a dvd of Vintage Disney shorts. Now I'm looking forward to Seaian's Nagoya trip pictures! Why am I excited? Because of SUMO wrestlers!
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