Friday, June 22, 2007

long ass reports

[image: from physiology lecture]

Man... lab reports take freaking hell forever and I'm so glad this is the last report I have to make for the summer. Anyways, here's me and alligator no. 10... aka known as the runt who wouldn't make it nature (she should technically be 5 times her size for her age). Contrary to popular belief, she's ridiculously soft... handbag soft in fact... JOKING!

Soooo, I just had to ask the prof... after a bit of discussion, I learned that alligator clits are actually huge and hard to tell apart from alligator dicks. It just makes one wonder... why the HELL do alligator ladies need such big ass clits? Is it actually pleasurable for them?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww, she's so cute in a 'Darwin hates you' sort of way...

1:30 PM  
Blogger Melba Toast said...

I guess the cuteness did have some sort of advantage to keep her alive, lol - for biologists to poke and tape her up, poor thing

4:54 PM  

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