Saturday, December 02, 2006

"You're just too marvelous, too marvelous for words"

[image: blackdog]
[currently listening to: prezioso ft. marvin - rocking deejays]

man, I don't know why I'm so tired. After going to Dr. Warren's hardcore biochem review session in the evening, I went out for dinner with Erek and Simon - the evening ended shortly thereafter. I can't wait until exams are done - there's so much shizz to do before school starts again. Caitlin is off to Mexico and won't be back for awhile. Here's a proposed list of things to do after exams (non exhaustive):

- clean, gut and sterilize my filthy room
- body worlds 3
- coffee with cait
- day with george
- learn how to make kick ass rice triangle thingies with beaty-san
- toe nail painting-haagen daaz-misc fun slumber party (shut up)
- snowboarding on the 20th?
- rock climbing
- brainstorm posters, buttons, campaigns with sasc
- paint and read
- new years with siavosh, arvan style
- mini road trip?
- lots and lots of pampering

hurry up 2007!


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