Thursday, April 27, 2006

Theme for Toast

Ahhhhhhhhhh! I've been living on coffee and ramen for the past couple of days... my tummy feels so funny! I also need a hair cut and a serious shower. And then I want to run around and go nutso in barefeet because I'm listening to Superstylin'. Last chemistry course of the winter term left and I have teach myself spectroscopy tonight. NMR? UV? IR?

PV=nRT everyone!!!
I saw Mr. Currie again today and he looked sorta sad. All I remember is that Ea requires sufficient KE and geometry for the reaction occur. Pollution NOx your SOx off <3

Seattle trip on saturday, which is going to be long and boring =_=
On a random note, I need new bras because the ones I have now are frickin' warped from abuse. Oh yeah, when you get super nervous/anxious (especially during exams), do you feel the need to poo? I swear, there's people farting all over the frickin' place when we're writing a particularly hard exam. It's a little funny.


Blogger Gautam said...

I know that feeling when writing an exam...even when I haven't eaten, it fees like that. Stupid exams.

WVOTD: ejrailx

9:39 AM  
Blogger Melba Toast said...

lol, as a heads up, I'm a pretentious farter.

12:42 AM  
Blogger cs said...

mr currie!

7:13 AM  

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