Saturday, April 22, 2006

city kids are silly

After the Bio final today, Alvin and I ate at White Spot to celebrate. Needless to say, the realization of how old we were kinda dawned. Backstreet Boys hit their first peak 10 years ago... that's a frickin' decade ago. My very first addition to my music collection was a cassette of Dance Mix 95 - complete with Macarena. Now when I look at my sister she's got her new rendition of the macarena dance, which seems really silly.

I also remember how every 9 year old thought Coolio's Gangster's Paradise was the coolest rap song ever. (That was when I epitomized my jean jacket and jeans ensemble for that very reason) Mortal Kombat was also the hot movie of the time to us kids and the majority of the guys in grade 4 and 5 dressed up as either Subzero or Scorpion for Halloween. Sonya Blade was cool but dressing up as a bunny rat was even cooler.

Now how cool was a sharped toothed thing shooting out of your hand?
very cool.


Blogger Bernie said...

You are never really old until you're confronted with the problem of keeping those damn kids off your lawn.

My solution is quicksand.

Good God I need to sleep.

3:43 AM  
Blogger McAnerbot said...

I dressed up as sub-zero personally.
Scorpion can suck it.

9:06 PM  
Blogger Melba Toast said...

I need to watch this movie again, lol

9:20 PM  
Blogger J said...

Dance Mix 95 still has a special place in my heart >__<;;

8:40 AM  

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