Thursday, April 20, 2006

lock down

All right, 3 more to go:
22 - BIOL 153 (human anatomy/physiology)
27 - SOCI 100
28 - CHEM 205 (physical chemistry)

I'm locking down to (try and) ace the remainder of these bitches. I finally found the calculator that's required lost on my desk somewhere.

-Beaty, I wish you luck on your last exam today! (you're almost there!)
-Gautam, enjoy your trip down to the states (so you won't distract me, lol)
-Seaian (if you ever read this) - get well soon from Bronchitis and keep on taking the antis!
-Garbiel, I hope your mouth's okay - good luck on your last two exams :)

In other news, Beaty stumbled across this Japanese commercial for a PS2 game called "Rez". It looks insane. I still don't know what it's about aside from the fact that it vibrates and a partner is involved.


Blogger Beaty said...


The game Rez was one of the first games to come out for PS2. The story of the game can be found at Rez - English Page

"The player sets out on a journey to find "Eden" hiding somewhere in the visualized cyberworld created by the network. The cyberworld continually changes its form as it is hacked over and over again by outside forces."

This game is tied tightly to the music of the game, meaning that if you destory an enemy, a beat is added to the currently playing music. This game is like a big interactive trance song...but it's not easy.

In Japan it was sold with the "Trance Vibrator" which can be hooked up to the PS2 to vibrate along with the beats of the music, and thus creating akward situations like the commercial above. (^_^);

Wikipedia - Rez has lots of info if anyone is interested.

9:55 AM  
Blogger Beaty said...

Omg, I didn't really listen to what the voice says at the end of that commercial until just now.

「うって、ノって、絶頂へ」- "Shoot & Ride to Climax"


10:00 AM  
Blogger Gautam said...

gl on your exams, Jane. <3.

11:03 AM  

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