fermentation faggot.

[image: Theme for "Spiral"]
Call me liar.
Call me faggot.
Call me slut and whore.
"Does it make you feel safe?
Does it absolve you of responsibility for your actions?"
Say it to my face and spit while you're at it.
(bullshit talking chink.
they're supposed to be quiet, small - silent.)
Perhaps tangled, lost and confused in this conundrum of systematic bullshit. I don't understand. I couldn't stop crying when I read Lisa's poem, her experience. Now when I reflect... I don't know how to feel whole without letting others down. It's because of the question, "Why?"... I hate it. Whenever anyone asks, I want to show you... prove it that it's real. Cowardly? I'll one up it... think of all the ways to end up on your doorstep, mutilated and broken. Effed up? Congratulations, you're on the golden pedestal higher above everyone else - king or queen of systematic oppression.
None of your business because it isn't you?
When you've seen this for yourself... not the same magnitude? You're part of the problem. Sorry if I offended anyone. Perhaps I should go back to wishing for bigger tits, caucasion skin and a man to please. Oh, and I should stop "bitching" and know my place so you can dominate me. Sorry, if I even asked... I'll let you continue to worry about the size of your dick or how much stronger of a woman you are than anyone else.
But despite everything, please understand... I'm still willing to listen if you're ever hurt and I promise never to ask "Why"?
Anyways, rant over. I ate at No. 9's today and man, Chinese fast food is artery clogging but sooo good. <3 noodles and rice forever and ever.
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