Saturday, December 31, 2005

Ferris' Oyster Bar

Okay, I currently feel like puking my guts out. Don't get me wrong, the gravy served on the BC ferries is the best tasting liquid animal fat. Unfortunately my stomach urgently disagrees.

So, today Caitlin and I took the trek out to Victoria to visit Machala. My dearest M is looking foine as ever with a decoratively festooned living place. We basically wandered around Downtown Vic looking at those cute little shops and I ended up going beserk (almost) at a bead shop because beads are the NEW COOL. There's so many little nooks and heritage alleyways that got me so excited for some odd reason (I think it's the novelty of all things heritage and heritage smelling). One thing to note, the streets in Downtown are remarkably clean and the people seem kind of nicer and less hostile than the Downtown core in Vancouver. The plan was to shop around and eat at the Oyster bar before heading out to see Memoirs of a Geisha. Okay, lemme say that the Oyster Bar is fan-frickin'-tastic because for 8 bucks you get a truckload of yummeh food. I was so stuffed. Of course I had a couple of freshly shucked raw oysters from Ferris Bay (hint: raw oysters = very happy, very excited jane), much to Cait and Machala's dismay/disgust. We missed the showtime for Memoirs so we just headed back to Machala's place to show us around and also watch Pirates of the Caribbean. The DVD didn't work so we watched Mars Attacks! ...such an entertaining movie. Anyways, Machala's corner is super cozy and spacious (especially the washroom!!). She managed to decorate the place complete with a real tree and all. I'm glad to have come despite how long it takes for transportation. I'm just going to end it here and continue feeling nauseous about this damn gravy.

Friday, December 30, 2005

r.u. receiving?

Off to visit m'dear M tomorrow in Victoria... *excitement*
Actually, King Kong wasn't that bad of a movie overall... of course, being Peter Jackson style. As a whole, the 3 hours and 7 minutes was very entertaining and fun... I felt like such a kid watching the showdown between Kong and the T-Rex (plus all the other action packed scenes).

Mmm mmmm... I wonder if anything's going to happen for New Years
I haven't had anything to drink since exams were over.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

those days of red

those days of red
and lackluster memory.
Just walk on, and convince
That the colour is still red.

all is full of love.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Theme for "equal"

Shortbread cookies will be the death of me during this winter break. It's been pretty pleasant so far but extremely unproductive. Christmas was fraught with the usual screaming, fights, arguments and yummy food. My dad made a huge turkey this year unlike the usual kick ass roast - but the turkey was most excellent. But, after this term and this break... I have to admit that I'm huge and bulging. I can't wait to get my ass moving again.

I don't really expect to do stellar this term so I might not even attempt to apply for ubc nursing this year. Only 70 out of 400 applicants get in and I certainly don't have a frickin' 78-80% average coming out of science - on top of that, my references aren't the greatest. The damn evaluation process is so flawed and I can ramble on and on about how arts students aren't evaluated the same way as most science students but I'll just shut up and admit that I'm stupid and I suck at school.

blah blah blah blah blah
In other unrelated news, the sleep schedule is really weird - 4 am or 5 am end times have become the new norm. I've given up on panties at night. I've gotten in touch with Machala and hoping I can go see her one of these days in Victoria. And last but not least, Merry Happy Birthday to Kyle :D

But anyways, a toast, to the end of a year.
Cheers dudes!

[image: witheringsanity]

Sunday, December 25, 2005


Merry Christmas :)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

* Lilmuckers hugs iphopper
* iphopper reciprocates the hug
* Lilmuckers grabs iphoppers lowest common factor and makes it proportianal to 1 over 2
* iphopper primes lil's hug
* Lilmuckers differentiates iphopper gradient
* Lilmuckers takes the second differential to work out the highest and lowest points
* Lilmuckers looks about at the assembled masses confused faces and blushes
* iphopper tries to find lil's limit as it approaches x, and the derivative of that value
>ragnarok2024>okay, who said maths geeks could cyber in here?

Okay, I'm such an ass at this time of year. I apologize.
: (

Tuesday, December 20, 2005



[image: Madsky]

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Can you do it to yourself?

[image: la_lauren]

I love working with my students. I love seeing a smile or honest look of adventurous curiosity. Alas, I cannot always appease parents...
At the end of a day, I know that I've at least made a child happy - be it from fulfilling or sparking some innate desire to know more about the world around them or from a simple nod of reaffirmation that their efforts (regardless of the outcome) are well appreciated.

I love kids.

Or, I'm really crappy at what I do, lol.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Carbohydrates, Enolates, Carboxylic Acids Galore!

Heh, I took this from Bernard's website. Apparently this was posted on the discussion boards for Chem 233:

"I am as disgusted as everyone else in this forum about the sheer unwillingness of the chemistry department to change the curriculum of the course to benefit learning and not failing. By there own admission this course has the highest fail rate in UBC and still take little to no strides to improve that piss poor record. Dr. Bates in his own reasoning to not divulge pass finals says that there is little to gain by doing so, how can he offer these speculations with such a massive fail rate, obviously releasing past finals wouldn�t hurt. Also the chem. Department tries to stifle the likes of Dan the tutor by citing some baloney about intellectual property. If they really wanted to stop Dan the Tutor all they'd have to do is employ a tutor to tutor a mass tutoring session like Dan the Tutor and offer it for free this would put the likes of Dan the Tutor and Andrew the Tutor out of business, they only profit off in my opinion the unwillingness of the chem. Department to help. I propose to force the chem.. department to make changes by all the chem. 233 students joining in on a peaceful protest Mahatma Gandhiji style. We all simply receive our finals and hand them all in blank. I propose a finals boycott. As an individual all we can do is whine to deaf ears, but as a unified group we can make a change. Think of it we�ll all go down in history as the class that fought the man and won.(I hope) The worst that could happen is that they�re forced to scale the 0% avg. to 51% and we all pass. Newspapers, tv, will eat this all up we�ll reach worldwide acclaim. Our story will over shadow the elections, we will all be forever immortalized in history. 50 years from now our story will be legendary among the throngs of students at UBC growing more unbelievable and fantastical as the years pass. Now your probably thinking that this is just a desperate plea 4th down, overtime, bottom of the 9th suggestion by some guy that hasn�t prepared and you are right, but honestly what�s the harm in trying.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....let's just say I'm probably not going down in history as part of the class that fought "the man"."

Despite poor spelling/grammar of the person above, I understand the frustration. I don't necessarily support his boycott demonstrated in such fashion but regardless, I still wish a very honest good luck to all those braving the Organic Chemistry final on monday. I hope I don't see any of you in the summer. Cheers!

Thursday, December 15, 2005


[image: katia]

it was self-induced abortion.

All I could think about was tracing the shape of my hand with a pen on a piece of paper and calling it my own. If I made enough with green construction paper, I could've made a christmas tree just like the ones from preschool. This was my own nativity scene.

chi is for christ.

my endometrium lining

So... I have less than 12 hours to cram for cell biology.
HA, why do I not care.

This is the last stretch.
And then there's progesterone.
follicular maturation
and jeebus, I don't need this premature
I don't need sweaty hands
and a stone in my stomach.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

arms wide closed

I woke up to the weirdest dream this morning... er afternoon. It involved strippers, waterslides, oral dams, fuzzy carpeted washrooms, army men, and a stripping/blow job contest with an older version of Peter North as the judge. I wore a cowboy hat, whore heels and super fugly pseudo-jean panties. Whatever the hell I did, I was placed as top 3.

When I woke up I was totally going "wtf". The first thing that came to mind, "grab your dick and double click" - thanks to the trio: billy, don and Seaian >: (

I'm going nutso.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I swear I'm not a man beater

I'm done in the 19th at 6 pm.
I feel like being stupid, any ideas?

[EDIT - can't stand pictures of myself]

Friday, December 09, 2005


ohmygod, I'm so dead.
like so effing dead.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

collaborative effort

Alright, so I'm back. The dinner gala tonight was an added bonus to the week - I'm surprised the squash soup was actually yummy... after all, it is squash.

I'm in a rather pissy mood because mutual collaborative effort towards group studying has reached a stagnant halt. Ah well, I should've expected this. More last minute studying it is then. 2/10 units completed and I've got tonight, tomorrow and friday.

Other things I've noticed. I look like an fugly woman version of Jude Law, I swear. A whole term of no exercise, laziness and lack of motivation has really turned me into a steaming pile of fug. Okay, disregard this post. I'm in a bad mood.

Monday, December 05, 2005


[image: Torkil Gudnason]

Alrighty, I'm going on a temporary hiatus until exams are over... but knowing me, I'll be back on here before then.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


This is terribly tasteless.
