Theme for "equal"
Shortbread cookies will be the death of me during this winter break. It's been pretty pleasant so far but extremely unproductive. Christmas was fraught with the usual screaming, fights, arguments and yummy food. My dad made a huge turkey this year unlike the usual kick ass roast - but the turkey was most excellent. But, after this term and this break... I have to admit that I'm huge and bulging. I can't wait to get my ass moving again.
I don't really expect to do stellar this term so I might not even attempt to apply for ubc nursing this year. Only 70 out of 400 applicants get in and I certainly don't have a frickin' 78-80% average coming out of science - on top of that, my references aren't the greatest. The damn evaluation process is so flawed and I can ramble on and on about how arts students aren't evaluated the same way as most science students but I'll just shut up and admit that I'm stupid and I suck at school.
blah blah blah blah blah
In other unrelated news, the sleep schedule is really weird - 4 am or 5 am end times have become the new norm. I've given up on panties at night. I've gotten in touch with Machala and hoping I can go see her one of these days in Victoria. And last but not least, Merry Happy Birthday to Kyle :D
But anyways, a toast, to the end of a year.
Cheers dudes!
[image: witheringsanity]
heeheeheee. hi jane. i should come here more often and leave u msgs.
girl - I'd love lady presence
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Hehe, oops. Yeah, all Jane gets is dudes on her blog.
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