Thursday, June 30, 2005

I love the colour red.

I love the colour red, for reasons I cannot describe.

And in the company of anonymous saints,
let me tell you this:
words are words.
- for what they formulate, words cannot describe the absolution of any event, just temporary reprieve.
That is why I love colour and its complete saturation. It is embodies the essence of an event, that moment and that feeling.

I say this because I'm terrible with words.

when you hit the ground, do you smell asphalt or earth?

human is a part of nature .. i feel an animal in me .. i like it .. and i don`t hide him ..

in fact, this is only a body ...

-- vidi

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

158-133, sorry Mr. Harper

Same-sex legislation passed

The Liberals' controversial same-sex marriage legislation has passed final reading in the House of Commons, sailing through with a vote of 158 for and 133 against.

Supported by most members of the Liberals, the Bloc Quebecois and the NDP, the legislation passed easily, making Canada only the third country in the world, after the Netherlands and Belgium, to officially recognize same-sex unions.

More here:

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I like dancing with my shadow

Monday, June 27, 2005

tako vs. taco


Sunday, June 26, 2005

monotony vision

a monotonous hum, perpetually
on mind.
what say you?
Gute Nacht.

[image: bittersweet]

Thursday, June 23, 2005

whips, lies and videotape

Brave New Waves is playing something ritzy and sexy at the moment. A no name song by an artist no one has heard of. Right now I'd like to put on a show for you. Why? I'm feeling hot right now. I want to show how you how these hips work and watch your fingers grip at the arm rests. I want to see your reaction... among the audience.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

red light glo

legalize this warm glow of red,
so I can feel safe;
untouchable - in the womb
of the red light district.

I heart the Brighouse library. I came back home with another stackload of books, none of which is actual reading reading of course. I splurged on picture books and graphic novels. Furthermore, I think I'm liking the rollerblading <3. Unfortunately, I've got this weird pain on the sole of my foot whenever I stretch it. This usually happens after I run, so shangri-la.

I think the lack of reading has sent my engrish back to square one. hee hee hee. Daiso shopping anyone? (^.^);; Okay, maybe not. : (

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Would you like to be my friend?

Theme for "sabotage"
It's a little disheartening to lie there in bed and actually feel your belly pulsating from bloodflow. However, it sure isn't as depressing as shopping for a simple pair of jeans. The ordeal left me tired and feeling ugly all over. But that's conventional standards for ya. I have precisely zero sense of style or fashion because I don't have the body for anything. But as a blabber on, whoever reads this must think I'm such a low-brow inebriated idiot.

I know I'm boring, uninteresting, and unflattering. *sigh* I just wish I could count on something to turn to. Y'know, like a simply hobby or a friend to talk about nothingness. Yay, internet. : (

Schultz Philosophy

I stole the following from Sheena's blog... it's so true.

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the "Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions.

Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America.

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winner for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last decade's worth of W! orld Series winners.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.

These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.


The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards.

They are the ones that care.

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." (Charles Schultz)

Monday, June 20, 2005

The epitome moment of this woman in the frame of a photograph

I think she's beautiful, the moment is beautiful.
In other news, cyclist collisions aren't fun, lol. Thankfully nothing injured on mine or his part. Pay attention to the road, mister! (*upwards punching*) I also attempted to rollerblade this evening. baha, I'm a joke, lol. Still fun though. I miss my yellow Fisher Price roller skates the best. They had adjustable bottoms. Maybe I'll try rollerblading again in secret... I'm really that terrible!

I'm feeling accomplished.


Yeah, you guys did make it.

Perhaps girls have a knack for holding grudges (I'm bitter that way, lol). For one, I still have so much to learn, you guys really made it on the whole of things. Happy 1 year graduation to all of you despite the fact that it will fall on silent ears. With my presence, where am I?

a flight flap of the wings, a whisper from the devil

Saturday, June 18, 2005

tick tock

My final's in 6 hours.
I'm terrified. Well, not really. Just more excited about getting it over with and eating my cereal. I realized that I've been drinking milk on a daily basis. Gooood stuff. I'm actually shocked that there are individuals out there who DO NOT drink the rest of their cereal milk... that's like the best part of the whole cereal voyage in the morning. But who am I to judge =_____=;;

Please wish me luck, I'll be needing much of it.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

push & pull

[image: quitevolatile]

You push and you pull it.
I'm turning 19 in over a month. The wind doesn't bite at my bones yet but I still feel old. Like I'm missing a phase or something really important. I've been looking forward to it for so long but I'll just let it pass. lol, though I am looking forward to bumping into Mr. Currie at the liquor store. baha. I miss his clapping and drinking stories. Of equilibrium and the dichromate rxn. In other news, as soon as this exam is over I swear I've got to work out. The reality that I am the Queen clickity-clit commander of the Internet is coming to life = sad story. Less time on the computer, more outside or spent moving around. That and actually finding a job.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hey dude, I like your shirt.


The dove was a nice touch.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Of campus brawls and Darth Maul

Bored again at school. Going to the library in attempts to study seem to only result in sexual trysts with the local sandman in the Stacks (who doesn't think of sex in the stacks?). Final exam for this biology course is this saturday and I already fux0r3d up my second midterm. I don't know what I want to pursue anymore. Nursing seems too far away to shoot for now. I guess I'll talk to an advisor, even though the ones I've come across thus far have been highly uncooperative and condescending. This saturday is the Dragon Boat Festival too. That means rice dumplings with sugar and egg. I always hated them. Sweet and salty do not mix. UNLESS it's honey garlic ribs. Enough of this. I shall be back with photos of awesome randomness later on. Hearts out to the blogging.


Monday, June 13, 2005

"To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palms of your hand and eternity in an hour." -- William Blake

Friday, June 10, 2005

"V! Peace!" ... I'll be back sunday.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Nancy Callahan

-- Frank Miller's Sin City

Link Wray - Rumble
That song just drips with coooool, even if it has it's stoner innnuendos. Blow was so cooool... well, the first hour of it. Showcase gets on my nerves. I'll have to rent this one for sure, and Snatch too because I saw the flip flip flip ending and loved it. Right now I've got the image of one of those cool cat women doing one of those confident sexy woman walks with a cig dangling off her lips. Gawd that's cool. I'll be back tonight, sexy.


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Can't You Hear Me Knocking

The rain's going to be a gorgeous sound at night. One can smell the mossy dampness of the forest and feel eclipsed with the moment.

What is a woman to you? A fertile ground in synch with the gravitational pull of the moon and her menses? You see angry stretch marks but I see sleek silver rivers flowing down her thighs. You see cellulite but I see ripples atop silk. You see big breasts but I feel the comforting nourishment a newborn would embrace. What is a woman to you? And now, what is a beautiful woman?

So back to reality, the whole picture differs from an intimate image. I think I'm caught up in too many insecurities about what the difference between beautiful and the woman. Who doesn't want the impossible? I'll never be that woman. I'm a stranger to you.


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

MT Pt. 2

Okay, half a bucket of cheese corn chips, 0.8 kg of Harvest Crunch cereal later,
I haven't lost my watch.
Wish me luck for tonight! <3

sitting waiting wishing.
This is day two.

I think I try too hard.
call girl,
turning tricks keep you busy.
I don't ask for money.

Je suis desole

All that's playing in my mind are the lyrics of an old Mark Knopfler song,

Je suis désolé, mais je n'ai pas le choix
Je suis désolé, mais la vie me demande ça


Sunday, June 05, 2005

Maybe the birds
will feel in their flight
how the air has expanded.

Can you see? Springtimes have needed you.
And there are stars expecting you to notice them.
From out of the past, a wave rises to meet you
the way the strains of a violin
come through an open window
as you pass by.

As if it were all by design.
But are you the one designing it?
Were you not always distracted by yearning,
as though some lover were about to appear?

Let yourself feel it, that yearning.
It connects you with those
who have sung it through the ages,
sung especially of love unrequited.
Shouldn't this oldest of sufferings
finally bear fruit for us?

Is it not time
to free ourselves from the beloved
even as we, trembling, endure the loving?
As the arrow endures the bowstring's tension,
so that, released, it travel farther.

For there is nowhere to remain.

-- Rainer Maria Rilke
from the first of Duino Elegies

a metaphor explodes to life
[image: Lois Greenfield]

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Oh dude. I'm sick again.


And my reaction was avoiding what I was so diligently supposed to do. Like a good girl, obedient and unwavering. I didn't do anything tonight. I didn't do a single thing. It's 3:01 am. Useless, worthless, a fucking zero. Please, call me a bitch. I really deserve it.

I was thinking about this gorgeous dress. She fell in love with it too. The colour of it was so rich, it glowed luminous against her skin. I watched her put it on at night after night in front of the mirror, gently touching the soft material. She only went out with it on a few times because she didn't want to risk ruining it. Days go by, she tried on the dress maybe once or twice a month. Less and less. Too tarnished to care, another heap of cloth in the closet with the seams all torn and fabric outstretched. It was forgotten. And every night I lay there thinking of this gorgeous dress.

Your connotations are different from mine.
I hurt him. On the backwards road, you know me too well already. Give me a psychoanalysis of this condition. compulsive liar. Now give me an antidote. (reminds me of Divine) I'm a mess as we speak because everything's a-okay but everything's not. I'm fine, honestly.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Lone encore.

expectations are what you see in pictures

and I've forgotten what's real anymore. I'll wait for next week.

Anyways. My days consist of staying ridiculously late and waking up at absurd times during the day. Coming home from campus yesterday, I almost killed a mommy and baby skunk crossing the road. Thank goodness I was going grandma speed yesterday, despite having one of the headlights blown out. I'm worried about this upcoming midterm - it's the chapters that killed me during regular school year. I know that I'm being an absolute shithead for going camping. Ah well.

For the meantime, 2 meals a day (since I wake up so late anyway) and a crapload of running and biking.
+ water is the new substitution for juice.
Heh, chess party at chester's house next week. I just dropped off a couple of chess sets at his house since I know I won't be attending that either. In conclusion, I'm gone for the next two weeks.

To celebrate after the exam I'm going to go see Downfall alone. 3 bucks a ticket if anyone wants to join me. After that, probably go on a movie rental spree. I saw the first hour of Pulp Fiction and was mesmerized... lol, didn't exactly want to stay up till 4:30 am watching it. American Beauty and Magnolia are going to be thrown in as well. Jeebus this is going to cost a crapload. Oh well. Showcase has commercials that run too freaking long... so it'll be worth it. Hmmm.

Anyways, I need a shower. I need to study. I need to feed the hungy.
I'm so self absorbed. I hope Gabe's having fun at the carnival. And where the heck is Wood 2? Tree ha.

Granny, out!

good morning

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Feel Good, Inc.

chasing your favourite moment

"Windmill, Windmill for the land.
Turn forever hand in hand
Take it all in on your stride
It is ticking, fallin` down
Love forever love is free
Let's turn forever you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?"
--Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.

Despite being sick for the last couple of days I've packed on 5 pounds, lol - so I'm now registering at an official 145. *wiggles bum*
Anyways, camping next week at Manning Park. Oddly enough, as much as I always wanted to go for the past 5 years each summer with the bumbly lunch group I honestly feel indifferent about it now. Ah well...regrets regrets, I won't get such an opportunity in the future for who knows how many years. The last time I went camping outside of school was with Christine, her family and Roxanne. My family never embraced the outdoors and I can't blame them for it. There are so many things I want to try... so it never hurts to keep on selfishly dreaming.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

"One pill makes you larger, one pill makes you small"

"And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall
Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call
To call Alice
When she was just small"
--Jefferson Airplane - Chasing Rabbits

I'm sick kiddos, in more ways than one. My skin's acting like insulation - a furnace one moment and a fridge in the next. So much for biking with Greg today. My next midterm's a week from today and that means = "oh shit". I have still yet to learn how to walk in a straight line without collapsing. I saw a pack of coyote cubs nearby the other day. So damn adorable, I say. Actually being sick and taking cold medicine's the best. I actually focus, lol. I also bought bike shorts.. y'know, with the padded bum. They make my bum look GI-normous and it feels as though I've got a huge pair of Depends plastered to my jiggly cheeks. Ah well - at least no more jerky crotch.