Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
it's the words we don't say...
[image: caitlin r.]
As we made love, our scars met,
grazing long enough for mine to say
"He tries to hide me,"
and for yours to reply
"I know I embarass her."
"He never learned how to swim," whispered my scar.
"She got picked last in gym class,
then cried into her pillow," replied yours
Just then, a huge wound opened in me.
You touched it. It closed.
I was filled, fully healed, and I knew
I would never be able to love you.
--Tom C. Hunley
the coochie bites back
LOL, apparently this movie is for real. It's about a high school girl who discovers that her vajayjay has teeth.
The film tells the story of high school student Dawn (Jess Weixler) who works hard at suppressing her budding sexuality by being the local chastity group's most active participant. Her task is made even more difficult by her bad boy stepbrother Brad's (John Hensley) increasingly provocative behavior at home. A stranger to her own body, innocent Dawn discovers she has a toothed vagina when she becomes the object of violence. As she struggles to comprehend her anatomical uniqueness, Dawn experiences both the pitfalls and the power of being a living example of the vagina dentata myth.
a movie about a toothed vagina...
I can't stop giggling!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
i'm as quiet as a cup.
[image: ???]
[currently listening to: the cinematic orchestra - into you]
i asked him how he was doing, a quasi-stranger.
he simply beamed and smiled. "my life is feeling"
i've never met a more happier man.
it was just that simple.
Man, I'm so tired. The term is just about over and it barely feels as though the semester has started. I started going to the thompson community centre gym - the one jamieson goes to since it's close enough to home. lol, in conclusion - I'm unbelievably out of shape. I just hope that exercise will help make my life a little more balanced.
I talked to a nursing advisor earlier today and I'm really crossing my fingers that I can get into the program on the first go. Last year some 370 people applied with roughly 70 seats open. I kinda regret taking genetics in my last year since it will most likely bring down my frickin' gpa. Ah well, let's hope for the best. I suck at problem solving. The rest of the courses I'm taking right now are somewhat interesting so I guess that's an added plus. It just sucks that all the engaging courses are offered in the last year - there's still so many other miscellenous courses I want to take just out of sheer interest. silly program requirements... it always screws me over.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Vesti La Giubba
[image: N warm monochrome]
[currently listening to: bonobo - ketto]
thursday evening was lovely. we stepped out of our proletariat positions and into the ranks of the faux bourgeoisie. anyways, i think simon looks good in a suit... hell, any dude who wears a decent fitting suit becomes hella hot. we watched cavalleria rusticana and i pagliacci as separate shows that evening. lol, nearing 4 hours of singing. out of all honesty, i think i enjoy operas more so than musicals by far for some reason. all i have to say is that italians are all about passion, jealousy/revenge and the church. the whole experience was good - i'd definately see more if the money allows for it in the future. i'm just amazed by how far people can carry their voices without the aid of any microphone. it just makes me wonder how the whole experience would be like in a better constructed venue.
after the show, simon and i drove off to find a bite to eat. a couple of lamb dinners would have to do but neither of us could finish the entire thing as we were wearing clothes that were too small, lol.
anyways, this post probably sounds really boring... i'd inject more oomph but my blogging tends to happen right before i go to bed. g'niters
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
[image: wikipedia]
Holy crap... does anyone else get these things? For the longest time I thought I was messed up seeing these little crawly things from time to time but they do exist! They're called floaters. According to wikipedia,
"Floaters are deposits of various size, shape, consistency, refractive index, and motility within the eye's normally transparent vitreous humour.[1] They may be of embryonic origin or acquired due to degenerative changes of the vitreous humour or retina.[1] The perception of floaters is known as myodesopsia, or less commonly as myiodeopsia, myiodesopsia, or myodeopsia.[1] When observed subjectively, floaters are entoptic phenomena characterized by shadow-like shapes that appear singly or together with several others in one's field of vision. They may appear as spots, threads, or fragments of cobwebs, which float slowly before one's eyes."Trippy.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
dresses, cars, perfumes and jewels, a man, money, power
[images: pourhomme]
[currently listening to: bodyrox - yeah yeah ft. luciana]
i swear, i'm suspecting that it's a requirement for most electronic djs to be as ugly as sin in order to be good. tutoring has pretty much eaten up my free time... i haven't fully realized that until recently. my energy levels have honestly turned to shit and i blame that on the months of no physical activity. will attempt to change this by next weekend. posting on here has obviously been much more tiresome the last little while.
on brighter news, simon's going to take me to see an opera this thursday at the Q.E. theatre for Pagliacci. I've only read the translated transcript and it looks to be extremely depressing. This will be my first time going to an opera... I've only ever been to ballets (*swoon*) and vso performances. Supporting the arts is definately not cheap :S.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
and if you're feeling lucky... come and take me home
[image: burre]
[currently listening to: deftones - lucky you]
i met him once, this stranger
singing to me from the dark corner of this room
face shrouded by the shadows cast by the lighting
i wasn't allowed to look
the warmth of his breath and the smell of his skin
could make me cry
and i'd move to the invisible waves of his presence
that caressed curves
in which i became entangled..
the best night of my life
because i was untouched
the absence of skin to skin
- i was as necessary to him in that moment
as the air in this room.