Thursday, November 22, 2007

i'm as quiet as a cup.

[image: ???]
[currently listening to: the cinematic orchestra - into you]

i asked him how he was doing, a quasi-stranger.
he simply beamed and smiled. "my life is feeling"
i've never met a more happier man.
it was just that simple.

Man, I'm so tired. The term is just about over and it barely feels as though the semester has started. I started going to the thompson community centre gym - the one jamieson goes to since it's close enough to home. lol, in conclusion - I'm unbelievably out of shape. I just hope that exercise will help make my life a little more balanced.

I talked to a nursing advisor earlier today and I'm really crossing my fingers that I can get into the program on the first go. Last year some 370 people applied with roughly 70 seats open. I kinda regret taking genetics in my last year since it will most likely bring down my frickin' gpa. Ah well, let's hope for the best. I suck at problem solving. The rest of the courses I'm taking right now are somewhat interesting so I guess that's an added plus. It just sucks that all the engaging courses are offered in the last year - there's still so many other miscellenous courses I want to take just out of sheer interest. silly program requirements... it always screws me over.


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