Thursday, May 31, 2007

work it!

i am not going to sleep tonight.

"Mutes they like to protest to disagree between the lines"

[images: mg]
[currently listening to: matthew good - can't get shot in the back if you don't run]

Hospital Facilities is going to be released on July 31st. The premier for Matt Good's first single, Born Losers, is going to be premiered tonight on CFOX at 6:15 pm our time.

If you're curious the direction of his music now, go here and download the current song I've got playing. Likewise, if you're interested in his political commentary on the current state of affairs in the news (ie. role of canadian troops in afghanistan, human rights, the "freedom of ignorance" series, etc.), click on the MBLOG link I have on the left.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

dance me to the end of the world

[image: guilty_party]
[currently listening to: articolo 31 - cosi e cosa]

It's gorgeously sunny and hot these days so it's hard to focus on school. I am starting to doubt whether I am going to survive it to lunchtime this friday and pass out from sheer exhaustion. Final exams and formal lab reports should never be due on the same day. Physiology during the summer = hella stressful as we're cramming a 7 credit 8 month course into 2 months. Have I studied for the final? No... I probably won't touch it until 6 hours before the exam, which is 3 hours long might I add, lol. In the meantime, back to working on this frickin' lab report.

to a longward way lost woman

do you really need his hands for your passion?
do you really need his heart for your throne?
--Leonard Cohen

the kid's got skills, yo

lol, this kid doesn't even look like he's potty trained yet at 25 months old and he's already doing this!

I am going to pass out at some point...

Sunday, May 27, 2007


[image: sjaal]
[currently listening to: feist - gatekeeper]

I had too much grana and brie cheese today so now I'm feeling ridiculously bloated from the huge ass meal I made myself this morning, which tasted pretty kick ass in my honest opinion. I can't wait until my lab formal and final exam are done and over with on friday.

I think I'm going to temporarily convert myself into a bag-lady because I feel like channeling the inner bag lady chakra. This means big ridiculous toussled hair and ratty clothes. I also want to hit up the beach on wednesday after class if the weather sees fit. Does anyone want to do anything this weekend?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

No dick, it's wigglytuff

LOL, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.
This commentary is gold.

beyond the walls of the bastille

[image: jerry portelli]

marquis de sade et moi

he drew me in his moleskin notebook
a culpable figure,
his hands cupped firmly over these lips
as if to entice, the very libertine
whom had inspired his last tryst.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Tetris Furniture?!

Customizable AND stackable... for all your storage needs.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

incandescent sun

[image: strokethyfrost]
[currently listening to: malcolm mclaren - about her]

the dry incandescent heat of the sun
provokes fever to the 3rd degree
it feels uncomfortable wearing skin
knowing that the sands these feet may touch,
echo the footsteps you once took with elation,
fingers intertwined,
as lovers satiated with drink.
all this while,
i am nought but a dry husk,
being screamed at by the midday sun.

Monday, May 21, 2007

take flight

[image: iamkatia]

If the essence of a just God is compassion for his creations, then devotion to him must be measured in mankind’s ability to apply that to itself.
--matthew good

Sunday, May 20, 2007

tri-phasic mal-function.

[image: farrokh chothia]

next time when I hit up the drive, I want to try sandwiches at la grotta del formaggio - the cheese selection alone looks worthy of the investigation. In other news, Didem recently acquired the cutest little puppy ever, lol - even though it seems to have developed a crazy humping habit at 2 months old. I don't think I could handle having such a compact dog to carry around - they're an accident waiting to happen for me at least.

Furthermore I think I need to be more wary of how I wear my clothes... nip slips are going to be a common place otherwise. I just don't fit white people proportions :S

"You choose, you chose Poetry over prose"

[image: marilia]
[currently listening to: feist - intuition]

Tout doux, tout doux, tout doucement
Toujours, tout doux, tout doucement
Comme ça
La vie c'est épatant

Friday, May 18, 2007

Can you smell cheese?


Thursday, May 17, 2007

ecological niches of the suburban variety

[images: mymichelle]
cleveland peregrine falcons

I would like to sleep very much thank you very much. So much shit to memorize tonight and fuxing lab report due tomorrow. I hate microsoft excel.

ps, my ovaries hate me. ughhhhh

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

collection time

[image: randominde]

sick, sleepy and behind on so much stuff already, lol... FWUH.

The video below Gautam sent me is frickin' nuts... either this dude has too much time on his hands or he's a frickin' amazing. YOU DECIDE.

Monday, May 14, 2007


[image: joy goldkind]

i bet you still jack off to those pictures
dreaming of her skin,
what you think is the smell of her hair.

buoyant curves

[image: lefragilebuoy]

I think my body is in a rush. Too much sustenance for these myometrial walls to. The moon disagrees with my woman, a gravitational influence for a premature lapse into the rhythms of menses. And for some reason, I cannot seem to fulfill this voracious appetite for man, the imperfect Adams who grace the paths ahead. My body is in haste to satiate these dreams of the snake and his tongue.

Monday, May 07, 2007

regarding the revolution

holy shits... animal physiology during the summer is intense. 6 months into 2 months? we are so kick azz. I have everything except for a lab coat, which I refuse to pay for. My dissecting kit still has dried up cat guts smeared everywhere. >_>

Napoleon versus Old Major

whoa, pigs have HUGE testicles.

In other news, receiving contact from victoria was... weird. But in all truth it was a reaffirming gesture and I am really grateful. I finally got around to seeing 300 last week with Erek and overall I thought the movie was really entertaining - cinematography, art direction, graphic novel like-ness were all amazing. To be honest, it's a movie to be seen with tongue in cheek in its depictions of a historical event, lol... c'mon - lobster claw beheading humans? The Spartans were depicted as these heterosexually superior beefy macho men who seemed invincible while historically speaking they were the most notorious boy lovers around. No Iranian person I met liked the movie one bit, lol... who on earth would want their people depicted as bunch of gay leperous chernobyl-blast surviving ninjas? The ending speech was so full of pro-Iraqi war rhetoric... "For freedom and glory! To end mysticism and tyranny!" As for lord Xerxes... he looked like SUCH a drag queen, lol.. but hot in a weird way. Ah well, this movie is for pure entertainment... most of the time was spent scratching our heads over humanoid creatures, comparing bulge packages and ridiculous man-segmentation. HOO-YEAH. not really, but you get the point.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

and something still holds on to me

[image: cole rise]
[currently listening to: bonobo - time is the enemy]

ciao bellissimo

Thursday, May 03, 2007

hey pig, yeah you

How exactly do women view themselves these days? Do the people we immerse ourselves in - the culture, discourse and pressures influence how we see ourselves? I won't deny the insecurities I have about my physical self, especially when it pertains to weight and general slimness. The day to day battles with coming to terms with stretch mark scars, the odd cellulite dimple and of course, the super treetrunk legs... it's never-ending. Among queer women, the incidence of having an eating disorder is statistically much smaller than among their non-queer counterparts. What factors of female queer culture dissuade women from being pressured into conforming to the slim ideal? Is it really just the male influence? I know even from a boyfriend, I'm being indirectly influenced towards striving towards a slimmer self. Of course there are no direct complaints or orders to "lose weight" or "watch" what I'm eating... there's just more verbal encouragement in support for decisions towards physical exercise or acceptance for choices to eat smaller portions/less fattening foods. For me at least, I think it's about desirability. Libido increases, sexual desirability heightens and you're gonna flaunt your moxy. It's weird because I find that the women I consider to be physically ideal (sexually appealing and glamourous) to be nondesirable relationship wise. Perhaps it's the small frail feminine qualities that feel so readily breakable by my clumsy rough self. A more desirable woman would be one who is more supple, voluptuous and rough than the slim ideal. I don't know... it's not like either of these ideals don't exist among queer women, they just aren't as important.

I guess this realization comes after the anxiety of comparing myself to what was his first choice. But in terms of even sexual desirability towards this ideal, I could never commit to emotionally or physically. So meh. Each to our own.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

with the hues of the shifting winds

[image: kc accidental - silverfish eyelashes]

with the hues of shifting winds
highlighting the breath of change
you took/gave/shared...
there will be catatonic cacophony,
vertigo-filled dysphoria.
the one breath of air you took
at the seaside dock
is filled with elation and pollution.
exhale and breathe again,
the seabreeze brings tidings
from the flap of a butterfly's wings
generated elsewhere, destined
to greet your lungs once again
with euphony



That is why
I am

--Tomaz Salamun