Napoleon versus Old Major

whoa, pigs have HUGE testicles.
In other news, receiving contact from victoria was... weird. But in all truth it was a reaffirming gesture and I am really grateful. I finally got around to seeing 300 last week with Erek and overall I thought the movie was really entertaining - cinematography, art direction, graphic novel like-ness were all amazing. To be honest, it's a movie to be seen with tongue in cheek in its depictions of a historical event, lol... c'mon - lobster claw beheading humans? The Spartans were depicted as these heterosexually superior beefy macho men who seemed invincible while historically speaking they were the most notorious boy lovers around. No Iranian person I met liked the movie one bit, lol... who on earth would want their people depicted as bunch of gay leperous chernobyl-blast surviving ninjas? The ending speech was so full of pro-Iraqi war rhetoric... "For freedom and glory! To end mysticism and tyranny!" As for lord Xerxes... he looked like SUCH a drag queen, lol.. but hot in a weird way. Ah well, this movie is for pure entertainment... most of the time was spent scratching our heads over humanoid creatures, comparing bulge packages and ridiculous man-segmentation. HOO-YEAH. not really, but you get the point.
alcohol, cock and endless balls.
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