Monday, January 15, 2007

eh, why the hell not... this blog needs more superficial

The Letter A
Are you available?: For a game of tetris? Anytime!
What is your age?: vingt ans
What annoys you: that hard popcorn kernel shell that gets lodged in your gums at the back of your mouth that's IMPOSSIBLE to get out.

The Letter B
Do you live in a big house?: I dunno, I don't use all of it. My room's too huge though.
When is your birthday? the fourth of august
What's your best subject?: I don't know... I don't really have a best in anything.

The Letter C
What's your favorite candy?: 70 % dark chocolate
Who's your crush?: scarlet, lol
When was the last time you cried?: The weekend and now my eye's messed up... but then again, I cry to everything (NATURE documentaries especially) so my eyes are always messed up.

The Letter D
Do you daydream?: Too often... mainly of impossible events that are so crazy I should write a book about it
What's your favorite kind of dog?: preferably live ones that have moxy
What day of the week is it? c'est lundi

The Letter E
How do you like your eggs?: scrambled
Have you ever been in the emergency room?: yeah when I was a kid, but the doctor told me to take tums >: (
What's the easiest thing to do?: close my eyes

The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane?: not since I was 15
Do you use fly swatter? no, those contraptions are a waste of money... newspapers or dishtowels do the job
Have you ever used a foghorn?: nope, but it sounds damn powerful

The Letter G
Do you chew gum?: sometimes... my favourite's always been the ORIGINAL strawberry flavoured Bubblicious bubble gum that actually helps you blow bubbles... but now it tastes like crap. furthermore, chewing minty bubble gum and taking a gulp of water is such a gross feeling.
Are you a giver or a taker?: relative to what?
Do you like gummy candies?: only of the german variety <3... unless they're those Gummy Vites Carmen Electra eats when she has a cold

The Letter H
How are you?: full of flatuence from too much avocado from my gonnorhea sandwich today
What's your height?: 5'7
What color is your hair?: black and shit colour brown that used to be red

The Letter I
What's your favorite ice cream? haagen daaz... coffee or good old chocolate
Have you ever ice skated?: oh yeah - especially with those pushy metal bar thingies that help you learn to skate
Do you play an instrument?: I used to play the saxamaphone

The Letter J
What's your favorite jelly bean?: they're revolting!
Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?: more like hilarious insults... I miss machala
Do you wear jewelry?: I always have something on... usually rings, sometimes necklaces or the odd clit piercing (NOT)

The Letter K
Who do you want to kill?: not a mockingbird, that's for sure
Do you want kids?: of course - his name's going to be Jamal and if she's a girl - Aisha
Where did you have kindergarten?: Montessori - that's where all the cool kids who learned how to plant in a garden, went

Letter L
Are you laid back?: sometimes
Do you lie?: I did... so that means that I'm a liar and a thief
Have you ever been in love?: with EVERYTHING

The Letter M
Whats your favorite movie?: I have too many... but I guess Amelie would be the best... despite not owning it :(
Do you still watch Disney movies?: sometimes... Lion King kicks the best ass. I have another confession - I have always disliked most of the singing in SOME of the disney movies but never had the guts to admit it until now
Do you like mangoes?: dried or fresh - they're delicious

The Letter N
Do you have a nickname?: Miss O... Jane-O
Whats your favorite number?: 77, dunno why - just kinda stuck because it's easy to type
Do you prefer night over day?: night owls of the world, UNITE!

The Letter O
Whats your one wish?: peace of mind
Are you an only child?: oh hell no
Do you wish this was over?: meh - it's better than looking at pictures of rotting cow udders

The Letter P
What are you most paranoid about?: not being safe... I always have to look behind me or be extra vigilant of those around me
What are you passionate about?: discovery? but it changes a lot
Have you been in pain?: physical pain... emotional pain... now it's sado-masochistic pain.

The Letter Q
Are you quick?: no, therefore I lose. but why the rush?
Have you ever seen a quack?: I've had a flock of ducks attack me before
Do you have a question?: no, but I have an answer... the greek term for testes is orchid

The Letter R
Do you think you're always right?: god no
Do you watch reality TV?: The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency doesn't count
Whats a good reason to cry?: it's very human

The Letter S
Do you prefer sun or rain?: sun... though torrential downpours are fun to listen to or get caught in
Do you like snow?: Yup! Fluffy snow > frozen ice that renders unlocking the car doors in the morning impossible
What's your favorite season?: fall... i'm in love with the colours

The Letter T
What time is it?: 10:56 pm
What time did you wake up?: 6:15 am
When was the last time you slept in a tent?: 2 summers ago

The Letter U
Underwear or boxers?: I own both but I wear underwear
Why did you choose your university?: closer than sfu
What else begins with a U?: Undulate, Ursula, Unicorn, Uuvula, Undertaker, Underwear

The Letter V
Whats the worst veggie?: mmmm, I guess bell peppers but it's not really the worst - I like veggies :)
Where do you want to go on vacation?: Copacobana or Ibiza right now... but otherwise it's anywhere - Europe especially!
Where was your last family vacation to? I dunno... we never go on vacations

The Letter W
What's your worst habit?: I procrastinate and make inappropriate comments all the time
What do you like to wear?: comfy clothes
What's your favorite brand of watches?: I dunno... I use a timex ironman that's serving me well

The Letter X
Have you ever had an x-ray?: my last x-ray was for my chest and george thought I was going to die
Have you seen the x-games?: I watch it on tv sometimes but I really don't care... national spelling bees are more exciting to watch on Sportsnet anyway
Do you own a xylophone?: Not anymore... I did own a toddler one when I was younger that had the colours of the rainbow on it

The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow?: meh, not my first pick but certain shades of yellow I like
Have you ever eaten a Yak?: No... they look too tough. I'd eat Yak cheese though
Do you like yams?: only in small amounts... I don't like sweet veggies like that... too sweet

The Letter Z
Whats your zodiac sign?: leo - and not of the dicaprio variety - he's seems boring
Do you believe in the zodiac?: Today it told me to hold a scared person's hand at the dinner table... I ate ramen alone tonight. so not really
What's your favorite zoo animal?: animals shouldn't be displayed in zoos like that... unless it's for rehabilitation or for conservation reasons. right now, I like the naked mole rat - but good luck finding those kick ass mammals at your local zoo... DID you know that the naked mole rat is the ONLY eusocial mammal on the planet that we know of so far? this means that it has the same hiearchal breakdown as ant and bee colonies! poor queen!


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