Friday, August 11, 2006

Go buy some shrimp.

[image: film still; ichi the killer]

I need rice in my diet to feel normal. I also need to like.. sleep. I don't know how I'm going to manage 8 am classes monday to friday for two terms, lol. Do I become a night owl and sleep during the day? Or just bite the bullet and TRY to sleep early. It's 3rd year now so I'm a little scared, I want to do well in my courses - especially with all the horror stories from the genetics classes. Is it better to take it during the school year or during the summer (to people who've already conquered the challenge)? I have a feeling 3rd year is going to be extremely dry. I wish Dr. Harris taught more classes because he really left a good impression on me. The only hurdle is that 4th year endocrinology sounds terrifying.

Anyways, Simon introduced me to Persian food and it's actually quite yummy and tasty. He also showed me around the salmon fish hatchery up in Capilano and I still think salmon are amazing. I feel bad for loving ikura so much, lol... it's salmon genocide just to satisfy the palate. However, Seaian did point out that eating one of the roe eggs does feel like popping one of those benign cold sore cysts in your mouth, lol. blargh... salty liquidness.

In other news, I feel like going to a toga party. I want to have fun.... disaronno ce soir?


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