Monday, August 14, 2006

glaaaargh blaaaargh

[image: seafoodmwg]

I am as sick as a dog.
Yesterday I went rock climbing and swimming with a bunch of people and ate at a Korean restaurant in the evening. I knew my immune system was compromised to some extent before swimming but I knew something was wrong when we went to eat - the air conditioning was so cold... copious amounts of tea didn't help. By the time 2 am hit I was sick. I puked my guts out and took a super long hot hot shower because I was freezing... even then I was still so cold. I puked some more and jumped into bed and passed out. Woke up at 5:30 am thinking that I was going to die from the fever my body was having. No tylenol or anything in the house, I just tried to sleep it off... blargh. My mom saved me in the late morning but I still feel like shit. I need to rest for the next little while. So please pardon my stupidity, I'm sure my brain cells are going to crap from being killed by the fever.


Blogger Gautam said...

hope you feel better.

1:06 AM  
Blogger Melba Toast said...

Thank you Gautam :)
rest, fluids and vitamin c

1:01 AM  

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