Monday, February 06, 2006


Alright, it's time to lose weight. I've already ripped my last pair of pj pants and I don't feel like repairing them or buy new crap. I somewhat regret buying this laptop at this point in time because after paying for school tuition, my account balance has dwindled down to $18.17. I'm so bad with finances, lol. And there's birthdays coming up and gas to pay for and ahhhhhhhhh. And to top that, I've lost count of how much money I've lent my parents and I doubt they'll pay me back anytime soon. Smoking is such an effing expensive habit, there'd be more in their pockets if they *tried* to cut down. grumble grumble.

I'm done my rant. I hate revolving around money.


Blogger Gautam said...

I would NEVER lend money to my parents, period. Let alone with smoking being one of their expenses. That is effin' buuulllshitt.

8:54 PM  

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