Friday, September 30, 2005



My life is not this steeply sloping hour,
in which you see me hurrying.
Much stands behind me; I stand before it like a tree;
I am only one of my many mouths,
and at that, the one that will be still the soonest.

I am the rest between two notes,
which are somehow always in discord
because Death's note wants to climb over--
but in the dark interval, reconciled,
they stay there trembling.

And the song goes on, beautiful.


[image: katia]
that is, unless - there's a break in the rhythm.
My mind wanders off too often,
day dreaming of that heart beat.... and
never knowing what tomorrow will bring.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Pizza Head Show

Oh gawd.
pizza head.

Monday, September 26, 2005

she takes her clothes off for the japanese

Matthew Good

Date: November 4, 2005
Venue: Commodore Ballroom
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Info: $34.50.

Date: November 5, 2005 (last day of tour)
Venue: Commodore Ballroom
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Info: $34.50.

Anyone wanna go to either of them?
I'll go alone otherwise :(

Saturday, September 24, 2005

paper veins in butterfly wings

The human figure is such a thing of beauty.
wouldn't you like to move with her?
and flow - like rain
fall like

I don't have much to say these days. Just the monotonous tune of parental whims, lectures and plans for the future. I have, however, aquired a baby cactus in which I named Billy. cute thing.

The trees are starting to look like they're on fire. splattered with chips of yellow enamel. a solemn painter's frustration and a manic poet's listlessness.
it's so beautiful in fall.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


As of my current,
my mind is a plainscape.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hey Mr. Chips

I bought the In A Coma box set which came out today.
I absolutely <3 the acoustic remixes of classics on the second CD. Especially the acoustic version of Tripoli, it's so crisp. I'm not too big of a fan of the few new songs that were put in. The MGB era will always be with me. The liner notes were interesting and the pictures were photograph-shiny, lol. I still haven't gotten to the DVD yet - probably put that on hold for awhile. But what can I say, 23 dollars for 2 CDs and a DVD.

I really look forward to any prospective shows in the future.

Anyways, time to memorize amino acids and their structures. w0000000!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The pictures that return in dreams

And I have vivid images.
Right now, I'm thinking about the smells of Chris' house. I remember pulling out futons on the roof, atop of broken glass and pine needles. lol, I remember the sound fx tapes, making music videos, defacing the nation's flag and constructing poems to the tunes of Sarah MacLachlan and Natalie Imbruglia. Ms. Darcy had come to kill us in "The Otherside". I miss having my stomach hurt from laughing. oh gawd, the napster irc chats and Greg answering the phone... I memorized the number too well. I remember you talking about Oak Bay... The Missing Piece and that Eric Wilson signature you always said you'd give me, lol. the tea cozy, Rosie, and Linda sewing a new pillow. and the magnetic poetry on the fridge. oh, I didn't forget the fudgie oats.

I can't believe how much time has passed.
I've miss
so much.

Hey Alice

One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
-- Lewis Carroll

I don't know why I find that quote so terrifying.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Theme for "greed"

Cycling is fun.
And I'm sort of feeling tender...
Next up: who wants a BEEF JERKY PUSSY??!!!!

And as an interesting tid bit - most guys tend to fold their toilet paper somewhat neatly with business at the john whereas girls tend to clump masses of toilet paper. Is this true?

by jose241

dear woman of my dreams,

i know you're out there.
i will find you someday.

maybe we're just enjoying
our friendship right now.
maybe you're currently with
someone else.
maybe i haven't met you in
person yet.
maybe i'm not your type at
the moment.
maybe the timing isn't right

whatever the case.
we'll find each other someday.

until then.

i'm fucking missin' you like
crazy right now.

All I want now

She made her life a lie so
she might
Never have to know anyone.

I feel so holistic right now. It's like every face looks like someone I used to know. I think it's because I don't have any monotonous drilling courses like calculus anymore.

However, my other drives aren't turned off. Foreign languages are hawt <3 <3 <3

Sunday, September 11, 2005

ear candling

I need to see a doctor. The inner part of my left ear hurts so much and I can't hear out of it. The walk in clinic closed early and my family physician is more a businessman than a doctor, hence being closed whenever he feels like it.

This sucks more than Tom Cruise.

oh hoffy

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

tell me your secret identity

So I was walking around campus today, damn plant operations was trucking off a huge hunk of a VW beetle from the top of the super hill. original? non, but cute nonetheless. <3

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

day 1 down

So, it's the first day back.
all I want to go is to the museum of anatomy on campus.
prelude, foreshadow - and undergrads aren't allowed to go in without a justified reason.

MWF - BIOL 204
MWF - BIOL 200
TTh - BIOL 153
MW - SOCI 100

labs, tutorials and discussions are forked in there somewhere.
I've learned my lesson 1st year - 12 courses = too much
This should be fun, honestly.

I want to have sex in the stacks, but Main Library is closed off.

Monday, September 05, 2005


[image: Madsky]

I guess summer's over. probably my last summer "free" like this.
I think all I need is to wake up and get on a spin bike. I can never appease anyone completely 100%. But that's reality. I've done what I could to appease myself. Let's move on. I hope you're ready too.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Theme for "mother"

[image: jerry portelli]

Hit up a sushi bar with the girls and had gelato afterwards. Our intent was to see the Rodin exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery... and since it's thursday, admission is by donation after 6:30 (since we were such cheap asses). The bus ride there took a little longer than anticipated so we got there just when the gallery was closing. ugh. Ended up walking around downtown for a bit. We went manga hunting at Chapters and Virgin. No avail... I need to finish this stack of comics from the library first anyway. Sooooo, we went porn store browsing.... all I can say is that it's smelly. I don't own any sex toys to date.

Got home. Played tetris. Read Bluntman and Chronic. Downed half a mickey of rum too quickly. went to sleep. bye bye apple.

Marv's theme song from Sin City is the best.
It's time to strip.