Hey Mr. Chips
I bought the In A Coma box set which came out today.
I absolutely <3 the acoustic remixes of classics on the second CD. Especially the acoustic version of Tripoli, it's so crisp. I'm not too big of a fan of the few new songs that were put in. The MGB era will always be with me. The liner notes were interesting and the pictures were photograph-shiny, lol. I still haven't gotten to the DVD yet - probably put that on hold for awhile. But what can I say, 23 dollars for 2 CDs and a DVD.
I really look forward to any prospective shows in the future.
Anyways, time to memorize amino acids and their structures. w0000000!
I've had to memorize all a.a and their structures for too many courses for me to like molecular biology anymore. I do, however, think it was essential in my learning despite hating every second of it. Just who the hell cares about lysine and arginine?!
lol, they're basic sidechains!!!
MGB > Solo Matt Good
At least I think so. Nothing he's done since he went solo has blown my mind as much as Apparitions or Strange Days.
Everything before Beautiful Midnight was where the music was at.
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