
So, the first day of class was super exciting. not. Well, not like Malone at least. At least the prof tries - she sang to us her rendition of Avril Lavigne. And I bought another course book. You know, the same one as I already have from term 1. hoot.
So next week I'm expecting all you cupcakes to go out at vote. I'll kiss you if you do ;)
But no one wants herpes. So it's okay. It's like the time I found a tick on me and thought I had Lyme Disease. Gawd, Mark would've loved it if I did. I wonder how he's doing = e-mail time. But when I look down on the table, my list of things to do is ridiculously untouched. I think about doing them in my head but I never get close. The outside world also scares me. And 3 hours in class is long, but 3 hours lying in bed is hawt. I also realized my arms were big and packed with bye bye meat. You know, the meat the flaps when you wave good-bye. That means my Chinese interpretations aren't that great. It's like being told ample times that I'm the whitest Chinese kid they know that do the yellowest of things. Like tapping on the table when someone pours you tea.
It's so weird. For the past few months, it's finally dawned on me I'm yellow and I'm Chinese. I've always felt comfortable in my skin but now I'm just fully aware of it. I know it's silly, but weh. The pursuit of different cultural flavours is something I definately enjoy. When was the last time you tried Malaysian? Taiwanese? Shanghainese? Thai? Japanese?... oh right, it's cultural when you've tried an americanized Italian or Chinese. I want to taste the spices of Nepal, smell the heat of Africa and swim among the blue of Australia. I'm a freak. Because I know I'll never do these things. But I live in Canada. So I'll eat a burger while I dream about the Canadian cultural mosaic. There's no shame in eating alone.
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