tear fest 2005
I'm feeling like such a frustrated little grease-ball right now. I only slept for barely 2 hours last night trying to cram for f-ing biology. I hope my bio prof has a sense of humour (aka hooomer) in the adaptation and evolution of the penis in different species. Wrote an essay for my english final dedicated to sex last week. And chemistry? 2,2-dimethyl-5-iso-hexocyclo-1-propanol. easy shits y'all. kidding kidding. Now... physics and math left. I am literally going to bomb these two.
As of the past week, I've cried so much my eyes are so screwed up. (now imagine the amount of snot). Well not cry-cry - just tearing up.
I talked to Alvin - perhaps we both think too 4-dimensionally. Yeah, 10 years from now? 20 years from now? Oh screw that. It's all about grasping the moment and climbing over short-term goals. I need to adopt the work hard, play hard strategy... I think that's how some people are able to have so much fun right now (aside from getting shit-faced and laid anyway).
I've also been thinking a lot. How much I've just given up or neglected over the past few years... it works for some people, but my biggest regret is not staying in touch with certain individuals. I'm so eff-ing torn up over that right now. So conclusion, I'm not happy with myself on a emotional and physical level. It's duh haw-moans, I sweah! *peck on cheek*
I also need to apologize to Royce, I blew up on him.
... I've never done that to anyone, ever.
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