Sunday, May 22, 2005

This picture makes me so happy

because they're on the sidelines, and they're not languidly watching or listening to the stories that unfold from the centre. They've got their own story, their own love and their own peace that I wish I could have.
Thinking back, I never enjoyed grad. I never got that feeling of elation or accomplishment. In short, I never made it.

*adjusts art glasses* I swear, blog journals make you more emo than necessary. And EMO= Eat more oreos. Willow has the emo-est of glasses... plus he's got the hottest pink rhino pin that I've ever seen. I also think I sweat excessively when I'm cold. That's the worst kind of sweat. The weather's been so mixed up lately. I can't wait until it clears up because I can ride far away from here. Jeebus, I need to be more superficial and get out of this goddamn rut. (POTATO BLOODS 4 LIFE 'yo!)


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