Tuesday, December 14, 2004

running my fingers through threads made of gold

I feel like physically talking to someone right now... How does your voice sound like when you cease to talk completely for a long time? Sultry? Croaked? Cracked.

Christmas is near. The lights are all strewn up all down the street. Some people just go all out, lol. I just like the smell of the air... no, not at the mall. Just outside. I suppose this weekend is going to be dedicated to something mundane like christmas shopping or putting up the christmas tree. For some reason, the thrill of christmas seems so routine. Watching my siblings pick out their presents... ?

Maybe I'll bake something. Cookies seem cliche... maybe try for a pie? *chuckles* I still have Machala's oatmeal fudgies in hand. I actually want to make apple crumble... yum :)
Chocolate covered pretzels were yummy too. Though they kind of make you thirsty and wanting more, heh. I wonder what's going to happen this year... another family gathering?
I dunno.

Just hold my hand.


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