The Fuck Society and Soft Outer Crust
Gooood stuff.
Anyways, I'm so not ready for the Chem 121 and Bio 112 finals. It sux0rs.
Oh, and I just realized we emit light when we move.. and my vagina is actually a box of kinetic energy... coooool. Then again, at the moment.. it's really a box of potential energy.. which can be proved using basic conservation and Newtonian laws.
I also have a feeling that the failing mark for chemistry is going to be pulled up to a 67% (from rumours).. anything lower than that, you fail the f-ing course. I don't think chemistry is for me.. no sireee... Neither is biology or physics... Why the hell am I in science, dude?
I think I want to steer towards nursing now... labour and delivery? I think it's the most warming ward in a hospital. Full of life and new beginnings. *le sigh* There is no easy way out of anything. I miss the care-freeness of childhood.. and the lack of responsibility.
I want to be an artist now. And study the works of Plato and the paintings of Kandinsky, Rothko and Munch. I want to be near the seaside on a sunny day.. where you can smell the salt in the air. Dissect the beauty of nature and unfold the very beginnings of love.
I can taste the salt on his lips already.
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