Friday, December 24, 2004

I guess

I guess I forgot
about Christmas.
just keep to myself and look at a tree alone
in a house. (just like that old 70's song, lol.)
I forgot who it was by.

I despise malls and densely crowded places at this time of year.
Way to be a grinch, Jane. Grrrr. I'm such a passive driver, lol. I cry too easily. Not that I did, heh... *cough* I guess I've lost the heart for Christmas... maybe it's just me but I'm just not excited.

Do you believe in determinism? That everything happens for a reason? That for every action, it influences a reaction? I don't. Otherwise my farts in grade 9 would've somehow influenced 9/11.

It's the end of the week already and it feels like a waste. Funny to think after all this yearning for time to do nothing, I actually want to do something.... maybe even doing some sort of schoolwork. Crazy talk. But it's true. I tried though. So I'll just read the chem textbook tonight. Organic chem and Thermodynamics next term. just maybe.

my eyes are kinda screwed up. They're all puffy, red and juicing, lol. Way to go cold, way to go. My head feels stuffed up and I refuse to take medicine for it anymore. I watched 'House of Flying Daggers' earlier on and bawled my eyes out. Then I felt cold and lonely and curled up in bed. It wasn't particularly a very art-directed film like 'Hero'... but the martial arts was beautiful. *clap clap*... Actually, I wouldn't mind watching 'Hero' again... the colours and the silk, dammit... OooOOOooooooh.

Well, maybe I'll blog on again later on this evening. I want to talk to someone or anyone. but I've lost numbers and people are busy. Party on!
*head bangs* owww.


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