a foreign landscape

[image: hong kong]
I've got 2 final exams in the next two days left to go... there goes 10 credits. I've long neglected this blog and I think I want to bring it back up again just to get the wheels turning. Perhaps I've got all the art sucked out of me but who knows. This term has gone by fast and I start my mental health rotation on wednesday.
I think the toughest part so far is translating, lol. For one, my cantonese is crap but it seems to do the job. I can understand more than I can speak. But translating certain terms = holy crap.
For example:
How on EARTH do you translate that load of junk? I spent forever trying to describe a simple hemorrhoid to my patient during my obstetrics rotation and I ended up using all these vulgar terms and ridiculous slang. Oh dear. The hilarity ensues but at least the woman was cool with it. Don't even get me started with prostate, lol.
Anyways... I want to enjoy the sun. Clinical is like everyday and the heat wave looks as though it is dwindling down. I just want to run around in the sun and do nothing.
In the meantime, I feel crazy ass swamped. Deadlines and papers are like every other day it seems and the tutoring has been insane. It's provincials and finals time for a lot of my students and they're oh so adorable. I can't teach grade 12 math worth fluff anymore. The downside is that I get home at like 10 every night so that leaves me barely any time to study/read/write papers.
Another realization I've had is that I want to go visit hong kong. I'm pretty darn sure I'll feel awkward there but it'll give me a chance to be lost at home. I don't have any relatives there to stay with so I guess it'll expensive ass hotels. Maybe one day...
...and then I'll run away to Thailand... or maybe Cambodia.
I might end up moving away altogether and work in australia.
oh the places we go.