Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Too much candy from Capucha on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

uneven playing field

Thursday, April 24, 2008

i like broccoli

i hate genetics.
seriously want to pass this shit and be done with it FINALLY.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dance, that has no step

[images: film still; "Ashes and Snow" - Gregory Colbert]

An excerpt: Feather to Fire

I would love to see this exhibition in person one day.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

depart here.

[image: royce; illustration assignment]
[currently listening to: groove armada - edge hill]

I can't wait for exams to be done though to be perfectly honest... I've really just stopped caring altogether about my performance. It's all trivial. I've got a 1 week break before I'm back in school plugging away at 2 summer school courses and then I'm done. If all goes well, I'll have my interview done in june. fingers crossed that ubc will let me back into their gullet for either september or january. i just booked my flight to paris for the end of june where i'll start exploring france and italy. caitlin is leaving soon for mexico... in september she'll be turning a new page with OCAD (congrats to m'lovely) in Toronto.

As soon as this semester is over, I will be reaching for those paints. it's been far too long since i've touched colour.

i love this re-score of 2001: a space odyssey

Thursday, April 10, 2008


[image: mahrjutka]

i need to read more books. my vocabulary and syntax are falling apart.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

there's an elephant in the room?

it sure can paint better than me!

Monday, April 07, 2008

i looked up, mouth slightly agape

[images: p. o. zelinsky]

I remember reading this book eons ago... my other favourite was The Balloon Tree. Illustrations leave burning images in my head. lol, I think I had my head up in the clouds for the longest time growing up. I used to envision giant feet jumping over powerlines as I sat looking out the window of the car. My favourite past-time was dreaming up different animals I could be for the day. My favourite was always being a horse (Fantasia inspired) or a weasel (thanks discovery channel). I remember crying in ballet class after telling the telling the instructor that I didn't want a long neck after she told me my neck was held too short... in my mind, I thought that my neck wouldn't stop growing and would eventually end up like a giraffe's. logic in my world. in some way, I still miss the crunch-crunch of tiny footsteps running across a wooden floor after dipping them into powdered rock sugar. Nowadays, writing about animals isn't as fun.

i think some people were destined to be grown ups from the start.