[image: x'mas day truce on the western front circa 1914]
"The photograph that you are looking at was taken in 1914. In it, British and German soldiers are standing together in no man’s land on the Western Front on Christmas Day. On that day, hostilities were halted and the two sides fraternized in the spirit of the season before returning to their respective sides and attempting to annihilable one another.
Rather than write something high minded about the holidays, about the birth that Christmas commemorates and what the child, as a man, radically stood for in the face of aggression, I wanted to make a very plain statement, and the above photograph demonstrates it well enough.
We are not at war with one another, nor have we ever been. We are merely the instruments of the lunacy of others. The thing is, and never forget this - there will always be more of us than them, more of those that would rather climb out of the trenches and walk that distance towards those on an opposing side because of a shared understanding of what madness it all truly is.
If there is anything to be celebrated, let it be the hope that sooner than later we will act on that reality.
My very best wishes to each and every one of you, no matter where you are, no matter what you believe, and no matter how high the walls of your trench may seem." --MG