[image: strokethyfrost]
So yesterday Phil and I ordered about 60+ raw oysters and I know I downed OVER half of them. I don't think I'll be touching another raw oyster for a full year at least - my mercury levels have probably spiked like crazy. The casino is boring as hell and full of creepy ass middle aged dudes and I still don't know how anything in those establishments work. I only helped myself to free water and matches, lol.
I wished that courses were offered in UBC during the month of august because I am so tired of school, albeit the course that I am taking right now is extremely interesting. I just want a breather... a week of nothingness or something because 6 hours of school during the week (not including the time it takes to commute) is extremely disorienting. That is the main reason why I haven't had the time to update this blog.
Canada Day was spent in complete sobriety watching fireworks with a small crowd, which was nice because last year was just a haze of small town drunken-ness...
Went to the "Monet to Dali" exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery. I've never seen a real painting by any of those artists I studied and did projects on throughout high school so it was kinda cool. I wouldn't mind going there again - this is for Beaty's sake because I feel bad for not being able to wait for him after his work. Tuesdays evenings from 5-9 pm are entry by donation - just get there half an hour early and you'll pretty much get in no problem.
Caitlin's moved to commercial drive so I can go visit her!
School school and more school. Plants are actually kick ass. Simon and I went to lynne valley for a small hike-ish walk to identify plants and trees with a field guide for fun yesterday.
More all-you-can effing eat is really just a terrible idea... because in my mind, I'm always eating beyond satiation to get my "money's worth" - hence the ridiculous amounts of oysters consumed... they just started tasting like slime towards the end. As for my poo... well, let's just leave it to the imagination.
I have 2 assignments and a quiz due tomorrow... I just want to sleep for 12 hours straight. My mom has a way to keep me up until 4 am just talking and making me cry and feel like shit about my future. No matter what parents say, they will always compare how successful "so and so's kid" is compared to you. In short, my future will pretty much amount to nothing so my siblings have it good. yippee
I am feeling really overwhelmed financially and I can't help but feel jealous about all the little luxuries some of my peers have but don't realize it. I know I should never complain but I guess there's a reason why traveling and school are considered luxuries. It is not a crime to be rich. I have no concept of what a vacation is or what it means to visit a different country (aside from the US). My savings have dwindled yet again to pay for school and to lend to my parents. I have no clue how the hell I'm supposed to establish my independence and finally move out given the cost of living in vancouver. i am just tired. i am not wonderwoman - i don't have impeccable marks, i don't speak different languages, i don't have mobility as constrained by my cultural background, i am not well networked, i don't have talent... i just simply don't have an ambitious enough of a dream. otherwise why the hell am i sitting here complaining?
perhaps my binging addiction stems from my inability to control my surroundings.