Tuesday, September 19, 2006

oest mon mare le prince rebelle

[image: Thierry Le Goues]

k, my cupcakes. I've got until 10:30 to finish all this shizz before I'm making it mandatory to go to bed. Waking up at obscene morning hours for 8 am classes monday to friday is not really for me. On the other hand, it's nice to finish school in the morning and have a day to do stuff. For the past month, my libido's been dead and non-existent. I think my boobs have shrunk too. My goodness, wtf. My apologies if I haven't been active on the msn front.

Tonight's agenda:
-finish prepping o. chem lab
-finish biostats homework
-read biostats ch. 4

I need to sleep early. I've been 10 minutes late for most of my morning lectures the past week because traffic/buses have been acting so weird. Also, there's so many hot people in my morning biochemistry class and they're all in pharmacy. Intimidating? I think so.


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