Sunday, July 16, 2006

Beats I wish I could sex like my girlfriend

Street hockey during the afternoon was really fun albeit so tiring under the sun. We had a random little kid join our game at some point who outskilled us, lol. My knees are really bunged up. In the evening, I joined a bunch of folks on a night market trip and gorged on food. Frozen bananas dipped in dark chocolate = <3. I tried some UFO concoction of shaved ice and strawberries and that too was delicious. Afterwards, played some Battleship and watched the latter half of Kill Bill vol. 2 at Masami's before hitching a ride home. If anyone wants to head out to the night market for a cultural experience, give me a shout... or if you're interested in a possible bike ride/rollerblading trip along the seawall at Stanley Park.


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