Uh huh uh huh uh huh.
Da da da.
My sleeping patterns are so erratic and poor I find myself sleeping anywhere. I suspect my comparative zoology course will be the worst mark this term... the average was 55% for the midterm. Chem 233 on the other hand... the midterm average was 47%. Sciences are great fun. Especially organic chemistry >:(
Anyways, since pole dancing was filled up, I decided to sign up for relaxation massage at the Minischool in ubc. Suffice to say, I think it's fun... the girls are hot and there's toplessness involved. The instructor claims that I've caught on ridiculously quickly for a beginner - very au naturel. I guess that's a plus? I need bodies to practice on! I've also finally gotten around to reading the stack of comic books I borrowed from the library last week. I'm currently going through "The Sandman - A Game of You" by Neil Gaiman. I love his writing... the illustrations, not so much - but it depends on who is the featured illustrator/inker anyway. I've also got a weakness for anything Batman.... so Alan Moore's "The Killing Joke" is a good read. I could probably go on and on but I'll shut up now. Comic geek, desist!
So yeah... Halloween, meh. What are you guys going to be? If I end up not doing anything I won't bother with a costume... friday is going to be uber depressing because that's when I get my lab and midterm marks for the comparative vertebrate course. blaaaaaaaah. shuddup shuddup shuddup. Anyways, last year I was a Lumber Jane. This year I was thinking about being: a slapper, Marla Singer (Fight Club lady), Elle Driver (killer nurse from Kill Bill) or a dominatrix. Or I just might dress up in black and call myself "Darkness". Any other ideas? I'm not really feeling the Halloween spirit this year... I'm soooo looking forward to Christmas though.
The best costume idea I think is the "chick magnet". Dudes, go dress in black and glue/tape on those little cotton ball chicks that are sold at the dollar store all over the fricking place. You will undoubtly be a chick magnet. super kawaii, imo. ^_~