Monday, October 31, 2005

happy halloween!

[image: Katia]

In conclusion, little kids in costumes are unbelievably adorable... especially if it's their first time trick or treating...or when they're still trying to master the fine art of walking. I love kids to bits.

Creative costume of the day: Some girl dressed up as a U-Pass today. In the evening, a couple of kids came to our door dressed as teachers, holding "On Strike" signs and wearing "I support the BCTF" posters. Oh children. I ended up being a quasi-dominatrix without the leather. Suffice to say, I only drew negative attention or drove people away. So sweet. My teeth are so sensitive now... oh how I love dark chocolate. The darker, the better. mmmmm.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Excuse me, your meat flaps are showing

[Image: Angela M. Ferreira]

That picture is really creepy.
I will paint my nails tonight.
Maybe dress up tomorrow.

and then,
I'll like, continue reading my super hero comics.
omg, nightwing is so gay.
he reminds me of Gary from the Ambiguously Gay Duo.

I'll bring a mini whip tomorrow too
Apparently, they're a hot item.

I need to brush my teeth. I don't know whether it's just me but I can't eat as much candy as I used to... it's just too damn sweet. I remember seeing footage of a rat being able to breathe under specially treated oxygenated water - it's so unusual. This is a random post. I love you guys. *muah*

Saturday, October 29, 2005

A bird storm

And yet after finishing up my midterms and having bombed one class I really feel indifferent. I don't feel relieved and I don't feel crushed. Perhaps I've gotten used to failure, perhaps I've stopped caring. Ah well, c'est la vie.

I was going through e-mail the other day... it's interesting how technology can bring people together or screw you over. Scroll, click and read... repeat x 10. click click click. It shouldn't matter what I don't see, it's what I know that comforts me. I'll answer if you know what to ask, nothing more nothing less.

I should be studying.
Fuck, I'm so stupid.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

vice vice vice

Uh huh uh huh uh huh.
Da da da.
My sleeping patterns are so erratic and poor I find myself sleeping anywhere. I suspect my comparative zoology course will be the worst mark this term... the average was 55% for the midterm. Chem 233 on the other hand... the midterm average was 47%. Sciences are great fun. Especially organic chemistry >:(
Anyways, since pole dancing was filled up, I decided to sign up for relaxation massage at the Minischool in ubc. Suffice to say, I think it's fun... the girls are hot and there's toplessness involved. The instructor claims that I've caught on ridiculously quickly for a beginner - very au naturel. I guess that's a plus? I need bodies to practice on! I've also finally gotten around to reading the stack of comic books I borrowed from the library last week. I'm currently going through "The Sandman - A Game of You" by Neil Gaiman. I love his writing... the illustrations, not so much - but it depends on who is the featured illustrator/inker anyway. I've also got a weakness for anything Batman.... so Alan Moore's "The Killing Joke" is a good read. I could probably go on and on but I'll shut up now. Comic geek, desist!

So yeah... Halloween, meh. What are you guys going to be? If I end up not doing anything I won't bother with a costume... friday is going to be uber depressing because that's when I get my lab and midterm marks for the comparative vertebrate course. blaaaaaaaah. shuddup shuddup shuddup. Anyways, last year I was a Lumber Jane. This year I was thinking about being: a slapper, Marla Singer (Fight Club lady), Elle Driver (killer nurse from Kill Bill) or a dominatrix. Or I just might dress up in black and call myself "Darkness". Any other ideas? I'm not really feeling the Halloween spirit this year... I'm soooo looking forward to Christmas though.

The best costume idea I think is the "chick magnet". Dudes, go dress in black and glue/tape on those little cotton ball chicks that are sold at the dollar store all over the fricking place. You will undoubtly be a chick magnet. super kawaii, imo. ^_~

Sunday, October 23, 2005

it's sometimes nice

it's sometimes nice to be caught up in little details.
like stopping in the middle of a busy street of the metropolitan walkway,
to look up at the sky - all movement paused.
And just amidst that moment of overwhelming cacophony,
you can feel and yourself smile with all senses piqued
in a way which can only be understood,
by a blind old man
crying to the setting of the sun.

Friday, October 21, 2005

live inside a bear.

And in this proverbial night,
"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy... That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day."
--Alan Moore's "The Killing Joke"

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

cat eat cat

since when was VG cats nsfw?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

dat's schmoooove, mang

Al Pacino's on campus doing a film.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Perry Bible Fellowship

I know this is probably old, but I've finally discovered the goodness that is the Perry Bible Fellowship:

Other things to note:
-Neo Citran is delicious
-colour laser printers are wonderful
-contact c works wonders for a cold
-homemade spaghetti and ribs are yummy
-bread and butter is addictive
-sleep is the new sex
-nothing is absolute.

Sayanora to the vid below.

That ends this post.

Friday, October 14, 2005

metaphysical style

I want to integrate your cabin to the power of -1
because it's the integral of 1/cabin = ln(cabin) +c ....
we could live in a natural log cabin by the sea

pew pew pew.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Late nineties bedroom rock for the missionaries

We're getting older,
knitting sweaters
- using the same crochet stitch.

it's our safety blanket.
I sometimes feel as though we've knit to the point where we can't see each other except from through the gaps between the holes of our stitching. We're getting older, m'dear. Let's pull away at the yarn,
and unravel our youth.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Quiet World

The Quiet World

In an effort to get people to look
into each other's eyes more,
and also to appease the mutes,
the government has decided
to allot each person exactly one hundred
and sixty-seven words, per day.

When the phone rings, I put it in to my ear
Without saying hello. In the restaurant
I point at chicken noodle soup.
I am adjusting well to the new way.

Late at night, I call my long distance lover,
proudly say I only used fifty-nine today.
I saved the rest for you.

When she doesn't respond,
I know she's used up all her words,
so I slowly whisper I love you
thirty-two and a third times.
After that, we just sit on the line
and listen to each other breathe.

--Jeffrey McDaniel

Pu'er tea is my anti-drug for tonight

Okay, my oolong and jasmine stocks are out. Anyone who knows me understands that I need tea to properly function. And I'm not talking about English teas like Earl Grey or Orange Pekoe either. Pu'er is going to be my anti-drug for the next while until I replenish my stocks. I'll throw in chamomile flowers to boot because I enjoy eating a few afterwards. George did get me a coffee fix today so I'm functioning instead of sleeping right now.

In other news I received $56.75 from the government from the GST tax stuffs today. I've got a midterm for my comparitive vertebrate biology class tomorrow morning and I don't know how the hell to put together a deer skeleton from scratch. Furthermore, I need to buy a jacket. I don't like shopping but I need a jacket because everything is ridiculously worn out. My red jacket's see-through when you hold it up against the light. That's enough complaining for one day. I'm still loving the video down below but I'll eventually take it down because it's going to drive me nuts. Love to all you dear readers and good luck on your midterms, projects, lounging, hunting, etc.!

If you want me to link you, comment me because my life needs more distraction.


Lacquer - Behind

Monday, October 10, 2005


oh Mr. Kamei (click to make it larger)

Saturday, October 08, 2005

an embrace left behind

[image: bittertaste]

i'll shut up.
and say everything's okay
everything's okay
everything's okay.

my babe's got a heart, like a rock that's in the sea

no one told me about her,
she's not here.

I gave him rasberry lips yesterday and I'm sitting here delighted.
Now I'm wondering what goes through his mind,
wonder if he'll call
but -
he's always thinking.


doorway to the brothel of this heart

Okay, I'm awake and I don't plan on sleeping anytime soon. Discovering the awesomeness of Cibo Matto and Handsome Boy Modelling School is *so* distracting. So now I feel like watching a ballet listening to this.

hmmm, there may be the faint possibility Seaian might pop up msn at this hour anyway. Apparently the Tsu Matsuri festival is taking place today so that should be interesting. Furthermore, I wonder how Royce is surviving with his art apprenticeship/intense art-ness under a scary sounding master. Ah well, I'll send an e-mail.

time to start. reading.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Conflict Theory

[image: madsky]

Yeah, the updates are sort of lagging. All I have are complaints. I had my first midterm of the year and it was for sociology. I'm definitely going to feel the ramnifications for leaving two of my other courses to lag behind. On top of that, I haven't had much of any physical exercise since the first week of school so I feel like a frump ball.

On the other hand, I actually feel like I'm learning... like I can come home with new knowledge, new applications and new insight from just talking with peers. All I can say is that the human body is a marvellously complex and beautiful thing.

But I'm sure this will all come crumbling down after I do my midterms. bah, so ugly.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


are we living in two completely different worlds?
2 silent.
to say the same thing.
balanced by tugging and running?

Monday, October 03, 2005

"Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders." --Nietzsche

[image: katia]

I stayed up until 5 am watching "Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind" yesterday. I loved it and cried as expected. It made me remember. It made me reminisce.

Thought it's certainly not for everyone.
I can't stop thinking about all the simple things as a kid. Running around with a homemade kite that never flew... the sound of gum boots splish splashing through puddles with leaves in them... tasting the rain... and the feeling of picking up warm sand and letting it slip through my fingers. It's funny to think of how small my hands actually were. holding a paint brush and painting my rendition of rainbows.

it all seemed so simple.