[DJ shadow - Midnight in a Perfect World]
Goodness me, I'm on here yet again... updating and sharing some sort of exclusive secret. There's a lot to do but I still procrascinate. It's okay, lol. I guess I'm entitled to this whateverness since all my midterms fall after reading break... and after all is said and done, I forsee myself blowing it all off. But first and foremost, I'll get to my better priorities... that letter writing. I daydream far too often. Jeebus, if anyone got into my head for just a few hours, you'd be on the floor convulsing or locked up in a dark room praying that no one will find you. It's stupendously terrifying.
I think the remedy for this is to make a list of short term goals and meet them. The satisfaction of crossing something off is such an 'ooooh, yes' feeling.
So goodness me,
the clock has struck
alackaday, and fuck my luck
The titration lab was easy to say the least... just hectic and I sniff made up values around the corner. *chuckles* And as Alvin shared: "Look but don't touch; touch but don't taste; taste but don't like". Heh heh - There's hotness in some people, but if you don't smell right... *awkward look*
Umm, ANYWAYS, in other news... Hotel Rwanda was an excellent movie (though I'll probably poke at it from technicality's sake)... Don Cheadle's performance was excellent... c'est magnifique. At least it gives some sense of awareness after the whole tsunami business. No tourists = no media. 20,000 dead each day in africa x 7 days = your tsunami. Ah, such is life. Let's be media whores, I think it'll benefit everyone in the long run. Though all of this contradicts the schmelt that my biology teacher spews out. paradoxical. we all can't be heroes.