Wednesday, January 26, 2005

What you don't know, won't kill you

Oh craptastic, I really fucked up the car this time *contorts*

So, what else is new?
The mechanics never noticed the crack... but the it's deemed unsafe to drive. Thank goodness... if that tire blew, I would have potentially killed myself or anyone else in the car. My heart almost stopped. I could have hurt others on the road.

Another 700 dollars gone from an imaginary money fund. Though I've been secretly saving money from all my birthdays and red pockets since I was 6 years old. All beautifully hidden in a sock.
But on a lighter note. Deep fried mars bars are good. So is delicious company.

I wish I still had Amelie in hand to listen to again.
I'm not feeling too happy right now... in fact, I think I'm sad :(
It's times like this I feel spoiled rotten. I regret buying so much crap for myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

last night i dreamt of you. and caitlin. we were all sitting in seats as if in a movie theatre or a lecture room ina post secondary institution. and it was a chance meeting. i had long thinly braided hair covering my face. and we all just spoke of how we should do stuff and how that day at caitlin's mom's house was so sweet and sunny and tree spirit.

3:27 PM  
Blogger Melba Toast said...

a euphony to good times.

Miss Having... thank you Willow :)

12:08 AM  

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