Saturday, October 16, 2004

Naive - Good evening Sir Timothy, the Brave

I guess at times the closest things feel the furthest away...
and reassurance will always be reinforced with doubt.

I yearn to taste the very foundations of that dream, that pinnacle, that box... and be free of moral inhibitions... not just sampling slices of carnal pleasure. I want to command time for just a day and be able to breathe as though I were a plant taking it's first breath from mother's soil. But I suppose I'm still just a seed who has no clue where to take root and grow up towards the sky. Then again, the trees now are roots to the sky... and perhaps down is where joy and home is.

Dear diary, I'm drawing a map to oblivion... and I don't know where to go.
All I want is for someone to hug me and have them tell me everything's going to be okay.

In other news, I think I'll be bringing the camera around to snap pictures at oddities I see everywhere.


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